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The viewers are requested to restrict the question to Bacteriology, since questions regarding General Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, Mycology and Parasitology are posted as separate.
Related posts:
Questions in General Microbiology
Questions in Immunology
Questions in Medical Virology
Questions in Medical Mycology
Questions in Medical Parasitology
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Were can I find info about Tn1546, Inc18-like plasmid or tnpA?
Were can I find info about Tn1546?
See the back references of above articles for further information
Recommend media for the selective isolation of Streptococcus mutans from suspected clinical specimens = Tryptone-Yeast-Cysteine-Sucrose-Bacitracin (TYCSB) agar
The viability of microorganism depends on the availability of water, nutrition and many other factors. But most disease causing bacteria/virus die within 7 days in normal environmental conditions. In this case, a simple drying and disinfection with lizol would be enough. There is nothing to worry; Your Obsessive–compulsive disorder is responsible for your anxiety - you just ignore it. Even, the entry of bacteria/virus in human body will not always results in infection/disease in a healthy person.
@Ellie Vipond
She might have immunity against Chlamydia acquired during previous infection. These immune antibodies are probably present in mucosal secretions and may protect from re-infection (to confirm you may do serological test and observe titre). PCR detects DNA fragments of the bacteria - If the result is negative, most probably she is not currently infected with chlamydia.
I have an ear infection - a test showed that it is due to resistant bacteria. Two courses of oral antibiotics did not clear it. I clean my ears daily and there is usually a yellowish discharge left on the q-tips due to this infection. Now I am concerned because my 1 year old baby had one of my used q-tips in his mouth (and may have swallowed the cotton). Will he be affected because he ingested the bacterial infection? Will it affect his health in any way? Thank you.
- Dipika, concerned mother
Your kids gastric juice might have killed it. Even it has escaped it won't cause infection - you don't have to worry about it. But be careful to keep your kid from harmful activities until he/she understands the harmfulness. All hazards are not like Microbes.
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